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September 2013 Banlist Discussion

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September 2013 Banlist Discussion Empty September 2013 Banlist Discussion

Post by TrickyTM Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:18 pm

Hey guys and girls. Since I haven't seen a post on this yet, I figured I'd bring it up.

Anyway, September is almost here and you know what that means...A NEW BAN LIST!!!

Now, since I haven't done anything YGO related (IRL anyway) Since 2010 you might find my predictions a little...off if you will. Also feel free to post your own predictions.

These predictions are based off personal wants and what most likely Konami is going to hit based off a money aspect.

The official banlist can be seen here.


I only have 1 card so far for banned so bare with me.

Super Rejuvenation

Reason: I feel I don't complain about meta enough, so i'll start with the only card that grinds my gears in the only deck this format I honestly can't stand; Super Rejuv and E-Dragons. This card makes the deck ridiculously fast and it personally annoys me, it has been around forever, It's a common and Konami isn't going to make much money off of it.



Spellbook of Secrets

Reason: Spellbooks are putting in some serious work lately and I think Secrets is the reason why. Other people might think "Well just limit Judgment" valid point but I think Secrets would be the best bet and they just came out with Judgment. It's the Stratos of the deck and they needto slow the deck down a bit.

Goyo Guardian

Reason: Goyo is one of my favorite Synchro's of all time, but that's not the point. He isn't as broken as he used to be since there is so many ways to stop him (Mirror Force, Bottomless, etc.) Also, he doesn't stand up that good to most XYZ monsters since if he destroys one you don't get the materials, so basically you killed my XYZ and got basically nothing out of it. Synchro's could make an awesome comeback if they took him off the list, which personally I would like to see someday.

Glow-up Bulb

Reason: He is basically just like spore (Being that you can only use his effect once per duel) and if they were to ever support Synchro's again (See Goyo Guardian) this card should also come off the list. Also Plants man...Plants...Who doesn't love PLANTS!?

So there are my predictions for the Banned and Limited side of the next banlist.

I will continue this thread as soon as I have some time because I'm quite busy, but for now give me your opinion as I would DEFINITELY love to hear it.

Honorable mentions:

Banned: Pot of Avarice, Number 11: Big Eye

Limited: Gold Sarcophagus (which might actually make it on my list, we'll see)
Ra Yellow
Ra Yellow

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